Major Crimes Unit
Josh joined the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office in August of 2016. Prior to joining the Office, Josh worked as an Assistant Attorney General with the Missouri Attorney General’s Office for 10 years. He spent his last 6 years with the Attorney General’s Office working primarily as a Special Prosecutor on felony cases, including several homicides, throughout the southern half of Missouri. Josh graduated summa cum laude from College of the Ozarks with a degree in Administration of Justice in 2002. He received his juris doctorate, cum laude, from Washington University School of Law in 2006. He currently focuses on assault, robbery, and burglary prosecutions.

​The Major Crimes Unit is a group of experienced litigators tasked with prosecuting Greene County’s most dangerous criminals. The Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys who have earned a place in the Major Crimes Unit prosecute murder, manslaughter, robbery, home invasion, serious assaults, career criminals, and drug distribution cases at all stages of prosecution from initial charging through trial and sentencing. Major Crimes prosecutors are committed public servants, and dedicated trial attorneys, who take pride in keeping the citizens of Greene County safe through intelligent charging, tireless preparation, zealous advocacy, and tenacious trial skills.
A few of the notable cases prosecuted by the Major Crimes Unit include:
Keymond Brown (2231-CR05223-01) received a sentence of 21 years in the Missouri Department of Corrections for murder in the second degree and armed criminal action after a jury found him guilty of fatally shooting an 18-year-old victim he had been feuding with at a Greene County gas station when he was 17 years old.
Dustin Winter (2031-CR01597-01) was sentenced to life without parole in the Missouri Department of Corrections for murder in the first degree. The defendant had been able to successfully dispose of the victim’s body, which was never found. Prosecutors were able to achieve a murder conviction of the defendant in jury trial, even in the absence of a body, by effective presentation of the circumstantial evidence of the victim’s death and the defendants guilt acquired during the Springfield Police Department’s investigation.
Theresa Cox (2031-CR05199-01) and Duncan Bogle (2031-CR05084-01) each received two sentences of life imprisonment in the Missouri Department of Corrections of pleading guilty to two counts of murder in the second degree for the killing of Ms. Cox’s ex-husband and his girlfriend.
Shane Mackey (2031-CR04776-01) was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Missouri Department of Corrections after a Greene County Judge found him guilty of murder in the second degree for the beating death of his girlfriend.
Kwaim Stenson (1931-CR03521-01) was sentenced to consecutive life sentences in the Missouri Department of Corrections for two counts of assault in the first degree after a Greene County jury found him guilty of shooting two separate random strangers walking on a trail.
Deandre Walls (1931-CR02551-01) was sentenced to 25 years in the Missouri Department of Corrections after a Greene County Jury found him guilty of assault in the first degree and armed criminal action. The defendant and an associate fired at least 21 shots into a residence housing a person they believed had stolen from the associate. The man who was hit by gunfire had nothing to do with the alleged theft. There were also three juveniles present in the house when the defendant opened fire.
Willie Haughton (1831-CR03037) received two sentences of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole in the Missouri Department of Corrections after a Greene County jury found him guilty of two separate murders committed less than a week apart in Springfield.
Luis Perez (1831-CR06541) received three sentences of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole in the Missouri Department of Corrections after a Greene County Judge found him guilty of killing two people at a house he used to reside at, and then days later killing a witness to the first two murders.
Robert Rost (1731-CR03595-01) was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Missouri Department of Corrections for assault in the second degree against a special victim after a Greene County Jury found him guilty of shooting at Springfield Police Officers during a traffic stop.
Derik Ozborn (1731-CR01053-01) was sentenced to two life sentences in the Missouri Department of Corrections, after a Greene County Judge found him guilty of two counts of murder in the second degree for killing his girlfriend and her unborn child.