These rights are automatically afforded to all victims of dangerous felony crimes under §556.061, sexual offenses under Chapter 566, human trafficking under Chapter 566 or domestic assault crimes under §565.072 to §565.076. If you have been a victim of another type of crime, you must request that your rights as a victim be observed. You may do so by contacting the Greene County Prosecuting Attorney’s Victim Witness Office (417) 868-4082.
1. Receive information about the crime and decision regarding the filing of charges.
2. Be informed about Crime Victim Compensation, receive claim forms and apply for compensation: be informed about financial, emergency and crisis intervention services in your community.
3. Be present and heard at all criminal justice proceedings at which the defendant has such a right.
4. Confer with the prosecutor and be informed in a timely manner of court dates, continuances, and final
outcomes of all court hearings.
5. Be provided with a secure waiting area during court proceedings
6. Reasonable protection from harm and/or threats.
7. Participate in criminal justice proceedings without being discharged or disciplined by an employer.
8. Be informed of procedures to apply for and receive any witness fees.
9. Have property returned once there is a final outcome of a case, and to have a reasonable explanation if it cannot be returned.
10. Appear at sentencing and make an oral and/or written statement.
11. Be notified if the defendant escapes, is released or dies.
12. Be informed about restitution and to ask the defendant to pay restitution.
24 Hour Crisis Hotline – (417) 864-7233 (SAFE)
Child Abuse Hotline – (800) 392-3738
Elder Abuse Hotline – (800) 392-0210
National Domestic Violence Hotline – (800) 799 7233
RAINN (Rape and Assault Hotline) – (800) 656-4673
VOID (Victims of Impaired Drivers) – (888) 773-1800
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – (800) 273-TALK
Missouri School Violence – (866) 748-7047
Greene County Prosecuting Attorney’s Victim Witness Office – (417) 868-4082
Greene County Family Justice Center – (417) 874-2600
Missouri Crime Victims' Compensation – (800) 347-6881
MOVANS (Missouri Victim's Automated Notification System) – (866) 566-8267
Missouri Department of Corrections, Victim Services – (573) 526-8267
Legal Services of Southern Missouri – (800) 444-4863
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) – (573) 636-2460
Social Security Administration – (800) 772-1213
Vinelink – vinelink.com
Casenet – courts.mo.gov/casenet
Missouri Office of Prosecution Services – prosecutors.mo.gov
Missouri Attorney General – ago.mo.gov
Missouri Department of Public Safety – dps.mo.gov
Missouri Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence – mocadsv.org